Monday, July 27, 2009

WIP 4'x4' Fantasy board

Over the past week we have been working on a new Fantasy style game board. It is far from done but we both have very high ambitions for this project.

So far we have a 4' x 4' x 1-1/2" foam board (made from a 8'x4'x3/4" pink insulation foam from the hardware store). Tools we used where a small hobby saw, the large straight blade in the pictures, a cheese grater (works wonders on large corners), and spackle.
As the pictures in the slideshow show, we plan on incorporating a river, swamp, mountains, and road. We have also though about making a forest and some ruined buildings.
As it is right know all we have done is cut out the preliminary shape and completed some basic sloping to transitions into the many levels of this board. Our next step will be to finish the sloping and mountain ranges for one of the corners and to add some text using rocks and sand.

Because this project so large and we both want it to turn out better then we could imagine it will be a long while before we are 100% complete with it.
For the mean time keep posted for other, smaller terrain, projects and some battle reports with the new forest terrain we just finished.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Terrain

We finally have some pretty decent terrain! Edward made some bushes and shrubs (we still need to put the foliage on them) and I made a smoke template. Here they are!

Cryx Painting - Slayer

I finished painting my Slayer. I think it is my favorite so far! I'm really proud of the tusks.

Protectorate of Menoth Painting - Devout

Edward's Devout fully painted! I really like the shield.

Protectorate of Menoth Painting - Revenger

Edward's painted Revenger!

Protectorate of Menoth Painting - Crusader

Edward finished painting his Crusader, and it looks good! I turned off the flash on the camera, so the paint looks more orange than brown, which is what it is supposed to look like.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Warmachine Battle Report #2 - Cryx vs. Protectorate of Menoth

This is the second battle report between Cryx (389 points) and the Protectorate (387 points).

The Battlefield
Our terrain still sucks, but Edward has built a pretty awesome bridge, so hopefully we can use that in battles soon to come! Cryx is on the left while the Protectorate is on the right. The Protectorate went first this game.
Round 1
Protectorate advanced all units up in a close formation. Kreoss cast retribution on the Revenger and Protection of Menoth on the Repenter. The Choir sang shielding ward.

Cryx ran all units upwards in a spread formation.Round 2
Protectorate advanced all units up, still in a tight formation. Kreoss cast lamentation. Choir continues to sing ward.

Cryx Pistol Wraith 1 advances and shoots at the Crusader and hits for no damage, but causes death chill. Units advance up. Pistol Wraith 2 shoots at the Repenter but misses the second shot.
Round 3
Protectorate does not upkeep lamentation. Advances units. Choir sings ward. Kreoss casts immolation through the Revenger's arc node onto Pistol Wraith 1 and kills it.

Cryx Pistol Wraith 2 shoots Crusader and hits it with death chill. Defiler advances and shoots the Crusader, giving it corrosion. Deneghra casts venom through Deathripper 1 onto Choir Acolyte and kills two Acolytes and gives the warpriest corrosion. Deneghra casts venom a second time through Deathripper 1 and kills off the Warpriest and last Acolyte.
Round 4
Protectorate does not upkeep Protection of Menoth. Crusader takes corrosion damage. Repenter shoots it's flame thrower at Deathripper 1 and misses. Devout puts a war on Kreoss. Kreoss casts immolate through Revenger onto Scarlock and kills it.

Cryx Pistol Wraith 2 shoots Kreoss, so the Devout moves in to intercept but Deathripper 1 got a free attack on the Devout. Deneghra advances and casts crippling grasp on revenger but misses. Deneghra casts venom on the Revenger and hits the Revenger, Crusader, and Devout. Slayer charges the Revenger and misses. Defiler bashes the Crusader for no damage. Deathripper 1 attacks and hits Kreoss.
Round 5
Protectorate removes two corrosion counters, but the Crusader still takes corrosion damage. Revenger attacks the Slater and hits for no damage. Kreoss pops his feat and knocks everything down. Kreoss casts immolate through Revenger onto Deneghra and hits. Devout attacks Deathripper 1 and kills it. Repenter charges the Slayer. Crusader attacks Defiler and kills it.

Cryx Deathripper 2 stands and attacks repenter and hits. Slayer stands and engages Kreoss - the Devout misses its free strike. Deneghra stands, moves and casts scourge on the Crusader. Scourge knocks down Crusader, Devout, and Revenger. Pistol Wraith 2 shoots Crusader and hits it with Death Chill.
Round 6
Protectorate Crusader gets rid of Corrosion but can't take any action. Revenger stands and runs to engage Deneghra. Devout stands and moves to engage the Slayer. Repenter attacks Deathripper 2 but misses. Kreoss casts protection of menoth on himself. Kreoss attacks Slayer and hits.

Cryx Deneghra pops her feat giving all enemy models -2 to all stats. Deneghra runs past Revenger, ignoring free strikes, and casts crippling grasp on Crusader. Pistol Wraith 2 advances and shoots Crusader, death chilling it. Deathripper 2 attacks Repenter and hits it. Slayer attacks Kreoss with combo attack and hits.
Round 7
Protectorate Crusader can't make any movement. Repenter attacks the Deathripper and hits. Devout attacks Slayer and hits twice. Revenger advances. Kreoss casts clensing fire on Pistol Wraith 2 through Revenger and kills it. No AOE damage affects Deneghra.

Cryx Slayer attacks Kreoss and hits and kills him.

Winner - Cryx
Battle Record: Cryx - 2 Protectorate - 0

Our Reinforcements Have Arrived!

Edward and I just received new models to add to our armies, so we both have a ton of painting to do now! We plan on playing with the units soon, so a battle report is in order too!

Our armies will now look like this:

Pirate Queen Skarre - Warcaster
Slayer - Helljack
Deathripper x2 - Bonejack
Defiler - Bonejack
Skarlock - Solo
Pistol Wraith x2 - Solo
Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist - Solo
Satyxis Raiders x6 - Unit
Sea Witch - Unit Attachment

Total of 492 points.

I can also replace Skarre with Deneghra and replace a Defiler with a third Deathripper if I want for 495 points.

High Exemplar Kreoss - Warcaster
Crusader - Heavy Warjack
Blessing of Vengeance - Legendary Light Warjack
Devout - Light Warjack
Revenger - Light Warjack
Repenter - Light Warjack
Vassal of Menoth - Solo
Choir of Menoth - Unit

Total of 503 points. Ed is going to have to do a little tweaking to get the points right.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Protectorate of Menoth Painting - Repenter

Edward finally got a chance to paint one of his figures, the Repenter. It came out really well! He used a metallic bronze color, which looks awesome. The color is really more orange-ish, but the picture makes it look brown. Oh, and yeah, that's our bridge in the background too.

Cryx Painting - Deathripper 2

This is my second Deathripper. It looks almost exactly the same except it's mouth is open and I added some more blood to its head.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Warmachine Battle Report #1 - Cryx vs. Protectorate of Menoth

This is the first battle report between Edward and I. Cryx (389 points) vs. Protectorate (387 points).

The Battlefield
Here is the battlefield. Yes, our terrain sucks. We haven't had the time/money to get anything good. Pretty much everything is full cover but the blue thing in the middle. That is shallow water (rough terrain). Cryx is on the left while the Protectorate is on the right.
Round 1
Cryx started the game off and simply ran the entire army up their full distance.

Protectorate advanced up as well. The Choir sang Shielding Ward so warjacks could not be targeted by spells. Kreoss cast retribution on the Crusader and Protection of Menoth on the Choir.
Round 2
Cryx advanced all their units up. Deneghra cast death rage on the Scarlock. Scarlock cast ghost walk on Deathripper.

Protectorate upkeeps all spells. Advance units and Kreoss casts immolation through his Revenger arc node onto the Deathripper and hits it taking out its head. The Choir keeps shielding ward up.
Round 3
Cryx did not pay its upkeep on death rage. Defiler shoots at the Revenger for no damage, but gets corrosion on it. The wounded Deathripper retreats back. Deneghra casts death rage on the Defiler.

Protectorate upkeeps all spells and rolls to remove corrosion. Choir sings infuse to give all warjacks +2 to attack and damage rolls. Revenger charges the Defiler and misses with both attacks. Crusader runs and gets within melee range of the Slayer. Repenter charges Deathripper and misses. Kreoss and the Devout advance and Kreoss casts ward on the Devout.Round 4
Cryx Pistol Wraith attacks choir acolyte from behind but is out of range. Headless Deathripper slams the Revenger and pushes it backwards. Defiler shoots the Revenger and causes corrosion. Scarlock casts crippling grasp on the Revenger. Slayer attacks the Crusader. Deneghra casts parasite on the Repenter. Deathripper gets two hits on the Repenter. Pistol Wraith shoots at Devout and hits the first time but misses the second shot.

Protectorate removes all upkeep spells and the Revenger takes a point of corrosion damage. Devout moves to engage the Deathripper and hits it. Kreoss casts anti-magic pulse to remove all upkeeps and casts clensing fire through the Revenger onto the Defiler. Cleansing fire hit the defiler directly and the AOE hit the Deathripper, but misses the Scarlock, Slayer, and Crusader. Choir sings Safe Passage. Repenter tries to move past the Deathripper to engage Deneghra, but the Deathripper's free attack hits and destroys the Repenter. Crusader attacks and misses the Slayer.Round 5
Cryx Pistol Wraith shoots and kills two Choir Acolytes. Skarlock casts venom on the Devout. Venom causes corrosion on the Devout, Kills the Warpriest, kills the choir acolyte, and misses Kreoss. Pistol Wraith shoots at Revenger for no damage. Deathripper attacks Crusader from its back arc. Slayer uses its combo attack on the Crusader and then attacks again once. Defiler tries to bash the Revenger, but missed. Deneghra casts scourge on the Devout but misses. Scourge still knocks down Kreoss and the Devout even through the deviation.

Protectorate Devout takes corrosion damage and stands to give Kreoss Ward. Kreoss advances and casts immolation on Pistol Wraith and kills it. Kreoss casts immolation at the Skarlock and kills it. Kreoss pops his feat and knocks down all Cryx units. Crusader attacks Deathripper and hits.Round 6
Cryx Pistol Wraith shoots and hits Crusader with Chill Shot. Deathripper attacks and hits Crusader. Slayer attacks and kills the Crusader. Defiler bashes the Revenger but misses. Deathripper bashes the Devout but misses. Deneghra advances behind the Slayer.

Protectorate Devout attakcs Deathripper and kills it. Kreoss advances and casts immolation on the Pistol Wraith, killing it. Revenger attacks Defiler and kills it.Round 7
Cryx Deneghra advances and uses her feat, giving all enemies -2 to all stats. Deneghra casts crippling grasp on Kreoss. Deathripper charges Kreoss and misses, but attacks two more times and hits both. Slayer advances and attacks Revenger with combo attack and hits.

Protectorate Revenger attacks Slayer but misses both attacks. Devout attacks Slayer and hits. Kreoss uses anti-magic pulse to remove crippling grasp. Kreoss attacks the Deathripper and misses. Kreoss casts protection of Menoth on himself.Round 8
Cryx Slayer throws Revenger into Devout, knocking them both down and making them take damage. Deneghra advances toward Kreoss and casts crippling grasp on him, but misses. Deneghra attacks Kreoss twice and kills him.
Winner - Cryx
Battle Record: Cryx - 1 Protectorate - 0

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cryx Painting - Deathripper

So this is my first deathripper bonejack that I painted, and I really like it! Much better than the defiler, that's for sure! I added a bit of blood for effect. Next up will either be my second deathripper or my slayer.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cryx Painting - Pistol Wraith

So this is the second of my Pistol Wraiths. This wraith is more into the world, but the tail end of his robes are still incorporeal. I added a lot of little detail to even put bullets on his belt, which I didn't think I'd be able to do.

Cryx Painting - Pistol Wraith

Ok, so I learned a lot from painting my first mini and I went out and bought some detail brushes. They made a world of difference. I'm still working out the kinks with dry brushing, but otherwise I think this model came out thousands of times better than the Defiler. Since the Pistol Wraith is incorporeal until it shoots, I painted this guy just as he is coming into the world, hence why only his outstretched arm and robe is painted.

Cryx Painting - Defiler

So this is the very first mini I ever painted. It doesn't look terrible, but it doesn't look all that great either. I didn't use any primer on it and I didn't have any detail brushes. I'll probably re-paint it one day and make it look better like my other minis.